WHY We Chose Coaching and Physical Therapy?

Coach Cesco

BS Exercise Science
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 2026
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) – Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

As a kid, I was always active in sports. This made me realize that I wanted to work in the sports realm, but I did not know the outlet. I looked into multiple health care disciplines, but after shadowing physical therapists, I knew that physical therapy (PT) was the career I wanted to pursue. I decided to major in exercise science with a PT track, and throughout this time frame, I also made a commitment to better my health. I had struggled with my weight my entire childhood; but throughout this journey, I lost over 50 pounds. I have been in the shoes of an individual who was injured or overweight and who lacked confidence and guidance. With that being said, I now want to be that helping hand for others so that they can discover the power and tools within themselves to perform at the highest level in all realms of life. To do this at the highest standard, I became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) while obtaining my Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). I also prioritize continually learning and perfecting my craft to ensure quality care and patient safety.

My interests are anything involving sports performance. I myself currently powerlift, run, and box to keep the competitor in me alive. As someone who gravitates towards orthopedics and biomechanics, observing and having a keen eye to correct movement patterns and positions, and being able to pinpoint weaknesses efficiently to ultimately improve deficits, truly fires me up. To simply put it, I love bringing individuals to the next level.

This passion to serve led me down a road of what I consider obsessive in nature to sharpen my skills and gain experience via mentorships. To get a head start on making an impact on an individual's lives, Pete and I founded PFP strength and conditioning. Together, we share a common purpose to transform society towards optimal health using a person first philosophy. We use our own experiences to empathize with and understand each individual we come across to create an efficient and effective game plan allowing people to inch closer toward their goals. Every day is full of eagerness and joy as I know I am right where I am meant to be.

Coach Pete

BS Exercise Science
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) 2025
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) – Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

As a high school athlete, I experienced numerous injuries from playing football and weight training. I hurt my lower back in my junior year, enduring chronic pain for most of the year. Despite countless physical therapy appointments, the root issue remained unresolved, leading me to a dark period in my life. At this low point, I committed myself to switching my mindset, becoming resilient, and finding a solution on my own. Through curiosity, rigorous research, trial and error, and critical thinking, I developed the autonomy to design my own physical therapy program. My interventions rescued me from eight months of debilitating lower back pain. In this moment, my belief in the multi-faceted power of physical therapy solidified, and I knew I wanted to pursue PT as a career. Although I didn't understand it at the time, a low back injury from weight training in high school provided a God-given opportunity to discover my purpose: to selflessly serve others in the physical therapy profession. This was only the beginning of an incredible journey and adventure of growth.

Throughout my life, I was always an astute student who lacked self-confidence. I turned to strength training, as challenging myself physically provided a greater degree of self-accomplishment; however, I remained introverted - I had yet to find my voice. When I began to volunteer as a PT aide in college, it pushed me to conquer my social insecurities and to break out of my introverted shell. As a result, my communication and interpersonal skills improved exponentially, my self-confidence skyrocketed, and the quality of my relationships improved immensely. Physical therapy facilitated my physical, social, intellectual, and emotional growth. My eternal gratitude drives me to give everything I have back into this field and to the patients and clients I work with.

I have a vessel of endless love and service; my life's purpose is to help as many people as I can. Being able to selflessly serve and to help others through coaching and physical therapy enriches my innate mission to provide for others. Sharing this mission with my best friend makes it even more exhilarating. By practicing a person-first philosophy, I invest into building genuine relationships and my purpose of spreading love and quality care to all my clients, patients, and athletes. As a powerlifter, runner, and boxer myself, my discipline and own training experience equips me with invaluable relatability as a coach, which enriches the genuine relationships I form with our clients and athletes. All who know me will say I am the hardest worker in the room. I have a fire to be the best and to work relentlessly to consistently raise the standards not only for the strength and conditioning and PT professions but for myself, PFP, and all our clients.

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